Hello there!

So i’m not going to say I am back (because I can leave at any moment and not post at times). I had a lot of stuff happen these past few months, business hasn’t really slowed down either…. but it’s a good thing. Got to get the monies, as one says. My nephew was born and I adore him to death, he’s so chunky and a generally a happy baby 🥰.

Posting Schedule

Probably only going to post once a week, still really busy even though it’s not spring yet, it’s starting to pick up so early already. I think it will be really good for me as well, like a little hobbie! To try and keep my sanity 😅 I’m pretty happy with life though. I just hope to have more time with my friends this year.


Well that’s all for now even though it is a bit short, wish you all the best!