Lesson 1 HTML

I have recently been trying to learn how to code again. I haven’t used codes since I took a web design class in high school. It could be a good side hustle if I wanted to make more money but it is also a good why to create fun little sites.

The site I have been using is the Code Academy. I really like it! Its funny how much I remember. It really helps you re-learn or even learn if you never did HTML before. I haven’t gone that far yet but I did recently get done with the first lesson. I like the step-by-step guides you do and you can see your work.

Here Is What I Learned

This is only from the second lesson “Preparing for HTML”, since I started taking notes on lesson 2.

  • Declaration – let website know what type of doc to expect
  • <!DOCTYPE html> – the html = standard, always include at the beginning of HTML doc
  • .html – always saved in a file w/a .html extension
  • <html> – Tag
  • <!DOCTYPE html>
  • <html>
  • Anything between opening and the closing will be interpreted as a HTML code
  • </html>
  • <head> element = info on page itself, contains metadata for web page
  • metadata – info about a page that isn’t displayed directly
  • <head> </head> – opening and closing head tags
  • <title> tag = browsers tab displays the title specifies in the <title> tag
  • <title></title> – opening and closing title tags
  • <title> tag always instead of a <head>

That is only a touch of what I have learned so far. I will be adding more but in the near future! I have a code academy practice right now so I’ll share more later. If you ever wanted to learn something or even pick up a new hobby I would try coding at least at the HTML level.