The First five topics I will be researching

As many of you know (or if you don’t know) I love research! It’s been one of my favorite things since I could remember. I’ve always loved knowledge, even if its useless, but it could come in handy one day! You never know…

So the new page I have right now Research, Curiosities, and More! currently says “coming soon”, that’s because research takes time, I won’t be posting blogs on it any time soon. But… I do have my next five things that I will be researching. The research will range from psychology to science, and even history! Well if you are into that.

Here’s a sneak peek

  1. The 5 Big Personality Traits
  2. Wonders of the Mariana Trench
  3. Iceland- the peaceful nation
  4. False memory
  5. Falling in love with fiction

Why these Topics?

Well, I have done research on these in the past. They have always fascinated me. Iceland has been my recent research topic, but I would like to dive more into it. I have been into psychology the past month too ( I even debated becoming a psychologist!!) I have passion for fiction, what writers can make and come up with really blows me away. Imagination truly never ceases to amaze me, or what the human brain is capable of.

Time of Release?

I don’t plan on releasing them soon, it’s a very busy month for me. I have an idea of when I would like to get started. Maybe sometime late August. Could be earlier. Could be later. I am very exited though, and I hope you will be too! Well if you’re a research extortionate like me q(≧▽≦q)

That’s all for now!

See ya!

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