first week Experience

The first week of started this blog has been an experience. A very fun one! Since I already know my way around WordPress it has been really easy to get used to. I will say since I already have a job right now I will be doing more of my own personal stuff at night rather than during the day. I have just been winging it. It’s nice to have your own thing that you can work towards (like making it your own thing) instead of working for a company. Although I do have free range to the company that I work for. Next is trying to build my own schedule into the one I have. 🎉🎉

Blog Schedule

Monday – Personal Blog

Tuesday – Product Blog

Wednesday – Background work (no blogs)

Thursday – Background work

Friday – Product Blog

Sat-Sun – Taking a Break (maybe personal blog)

For the personal blogs, its just like it says, I’ll be talking about my personals experiences with blogging or just life in general. As for the products, I will be taking one of my products I created and explain a little bit about it. The background work is just me working on items for my shop. I would love to work more and start shooting products out, but like I said I’m already working a regular job and I’m trying not to overwork myself. For the products I already have products lined up so I’ll be ahead while focusing on my full-time job.

Social Media Set-ups

As for the subject of social media, I have a Pinterest up and running. it only has one pin so far just because I have been focusing on the shop and starting this blog.

(Since my Pinterest is broking on my computer, I’ll update it once its up and running again`(*>īš<*)′ )

I plan to have a Facebook and Instagram up in a month or so… do to being busy with the months upcoming (and preparing for my nephew to come 😊)

My plans for social media posting wise is around the same for my blogs. I think every time a post or upload a product I will update them.

Also I don’t know if I would want a twitter, but it is up for consideration.

That’s all for now!

Hope you will all have a fantastic week! I will be posting more tomorrow, I just trying to have fun we the free time that I have now. I’m probably what is considered a “workaholic” but as of right now its plain fun rather than work. Get out there and try something new! Get a new hobbies! Try something out that scares you, you never know it might just be your favorite thing yet. ( â€ĸĖ€ Ī‰ â€ĸĖ )y

Check out my recent blogs